CrossFit Open 21.2

Watch the Announcement of CrossFit 21.2

Hey Team! Week two of the three-week 2021 CrossFit Open will be announced tonight at 7 PM. You can watch the live broadcast on the CrossFit Games official YouTube channel as well as their Facebook page.

  • The athlete match-up for the live announcement has been billed as “Youth vs. Experience” as three-time CrossFit Games veteran and 2020 Games second-place finisher Samuel Kwant will take on 2020 Games third-place finisher and Rookie of the Year Justin Medeiros.

  • The US Army Warrior Fitness team will do the workout live after the Kwant and Medeiros match-up.

Schedule for this Weekend: Sunday at 2 PM

Sundae Funday: Bring your favorite dessert! This week’s Open workouts will be done on Sunday, March 21, at 2 PM. The theme is Sundae Funday! Bring your favorite dessert or recovery snack to enjoy after your workout. We will be serving samples of nutritious smoothies made with some of the supplements available at Blue Eagle.

If you are unable to attend on Sunday but would like to do Open 21.2, we are offering one class on Friday at 3:30 PM. Coach Bruce will be coaching. Please reserve your spot with Wodify so he knows to expect you. All other classes on Friday will be doing regular programming. (Attention! We have had to adjust the time of our Open workout on Friday. The time has been changed to 3:30 PM and will be coached by Coach Bruce.)

Recap of CrossFit Open 21.1

We had an ABSOLUTE BLAST last Friday night doing a lot of jump ropes and wall walks, didn’t we?!? Just like every other workout we do at Blue Eagle, we pushed one another to do the best we could do and we tailored the workout for every single person.

After the 1st week of our intramural competition, EARLY RISERS are winning with the most athletes competing and placing in the top 3 of each division. I promise every. rep. counts. The difference between 2nd place and 4th place was just a few reps in a couple of our divisions.

  1. Early Risers (30 pts)

  2. Mid-morning Nooners (26 pts)

  3. Forever Fit (16 pts)

  4. Afternoon Delight (15 pts)

MID-MORNING NOOONERS won the “Spirit of Blue Eagle” award. (see their picture below!)


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CrossFit Open 21.1