Monday Motivation - How to Become Our Best Selves

How to Become Our Best Selves

Happy Monday, Blue Eagle!

A couple of questions for you today...

- Who do you want to be?

- Why do you want to be that person?

My "who" and my "why" are these: I want to be the best version of myself that I can be to inspire others, especially my daughters, to live lives full of passion.

Most people fail to be their ideal selves, even when they want to, for these three reasons:

  1. They don't set deadlines for personal goals

  2. They wait for inspiration

  3. They are afraid of what other people think

Here is how we can become our ideal selves:

  1. Set action-based deadlines:

    • Workout 15 times a month

    • Eat 800 grams of fruits and vegetables every day

    • Journal every morning Monday-Friday

    • When I see something around the house that needs to be cleaned or fixed, I clean or fix it right then.

  2. Take action even without inspiration.

    • The truth is that action breeds success, and success breeds more success.

    • Take the smallest action possible toward your goal.

    • The next day, take another tiny action toward your goal.

    • Weeks, months, and years later, those actions will have built into something much bigger.

  3. When it comes to what other people think of you, the reality is we all have haters.

    • It is also a reality that those haters are outnumbered 100-to-1 by people who support us.

    • Focus on your supporters.

Have a great week!


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