Motivation Monday - Celebrate Success (& Reply w a Picture)

Happy Monday, Blue Eagle!

Here's your quote of the day:

Success breeds success!

The key to reaching long-term goals is celebrating smaller successes along the way. Enjoying the journey is how you make it to the end of the road. 

At Blue Eagle, we want to celebrate your successes with you. We want to honor your commitment when you have been a member for another year. We have some members who are coming up on their 9-year anniversaries!

We want to honor your dedication to attending classes as well... 100, 200, up to almost 1,700 classes!

Can you help me celebrate you? Can you reply to this email with a picture we can use for our social media posts? The picture can be anything... as long as it is of you!  :)  It can be a family picture, the last wedding you attended, or you can ask a coach to take a picture of you at the gym.

Celebrate your successes, while we celebrate right alongside you!


Monday Motivation - What Are You Preparing For?


Murph HERO Workout