December Programming 🎄

The CrossFit Open | Skill Work

Have you ever asked yourself this year, “All I want for Christmas are double-unders”? Well Christmas is coming early for you! In preparation for next year’s CrossFit Open in February, we are going to run through some old skills, like double-unders, and even learn some new ones.

If you aren’t familiar with what the CrossFit Open is, it’s a global event that happens within CrossFit affiliates all around the world. In this 3 week event, we are going to be blind tested 1 workout each week by CrossFit HQ. That’s right, my hands are clean on this one! In these tests, athletes are challenged mostly by the high level gymnastic movements that might appear. Like any good workout, they will come with scaling opportunities so that the workouts are inclusive to everyone.

It’s a lot of fun! As a gym, we put on our own event we call the Blue Eagle Open to build excitement and moral around the gym leading into the workouts. We will post more information and updates on the Blue Eagle Open as we get closer to the date.

‘Tis the season for a very merry fitness 💪🎄!

Let’s look back on November…

November was full of heavy power lifting. We captured back squats, deadlifts, and bench press each week. Weightlifting is a healthy, sustainable way of keeping our bodies strong and feeling great. There will surely be more lifting to come. We will cover more of our Olympic lifts again in the next month (snatch and clean & jerk). We also had a lot of fun with hypertrophy to build muscle growth. Taking time to focus on muscle groups, like in our back and bicep photoshoot below 😉, will help us develop better pulling skills like pull-ups, muscle-ups, and cleans in the long run. Be on the look out for more hypertrophy ahead!

Monthly Focus

  • Welcome to December! This month’s focus is Skill Work

  • Expect to see Skill sessions and Metcons that reflect: double-unders, handstand movements, and pull-up bar work.

  • Get focused coaching through Skill sessions in your gymnastic movements.

  • Hero workout: Dec 11

  • Lady Workout: Dec 27

  • Faith RX’D partner workout: Dec 9

Thank you for your commitment to your health. Go out there this month and crush it!


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